Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Still in the States...

I created this blog to keep in touch with family and friends while I journey to Mali, Africa to serve in the Peace Corps. I will try to post as much as I can but without knowing when I will be around an internet connection it will be tough.

Roughly two months ago I accepted my invitation to serve with the Peace Corps in Mali, Africa leaving on July 16th. I will be working within the Small Enterprise Development (SED) program. Basically the program will help small entrepreneurs develop and become more successful in a very broad sense. I will know more about my personal work when I arrive for training and they can place me. The program is about trying to instill a long lasting contribution not something that is temporary. The Peace Corps has been working in Mali since 1971 in many areas such as education, water sanitation, agriculture, health education, natural resources management, and small eterprise development.

I will leave July 16th for an orientation of 3 days which is held in Philly, I believe, not real sure. But then they fly me and the rest of the volunteers to Mali for 3 months of intensive training, mostly focusing on language. In Mali the official language is French but most people speak Bambara. I cant wait to start learning this foriegn language, it seems very interesting. I cant wait to get over there and meet everyone and just start the next 2 years of my life.

Again feel free to comment on anything and everything, I will try to respond and post as much as I can while Im over there.

1 comment:

cannokm said...

HEY! We are going to Philly! I can't believe we are a month away from departing! Hope all is well!
